Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Neil the Nervous Nelly

As you guys know, I'm amongst many fine columnists at Everybody brings different things to the table for that site, and, in general, I do my best to provide quality content in each of my columns. Each "piece" generally takes me 3-4 hours to complete what with revisions, re-revisions, and re-re-revisions - for the most part I'm happy with my finished product. But tonight, I will be trying my hand at something different: podcasts.

There is no such thing as revisions or do-overs with these, and considering I have the unfortunate reputation for stuttering and stammering my way through phone conversations, I'm pretty damn nervous (in case the title of this didn't give that way) with what I'm going to be doing in just a couple minutes. Maybe I wouldn't be as nervous as I am now if I had time to prep for the show beforehand, but life rudely interrupted most of my day (just kidding mommy!).

Anyhow, wish me luck. I'll probably still fuck this thing up one way or the other, but maybe with your well wishes I'll fuck up less.

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