Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's All Tiger Woods...

First off, let me just preface this by saying the man should be able to bang anything that moves. He worked his ass off to become the billionaire athlete he now is, even sacrificing a normal childhood so that he could have a successful career in the game of golf. Financially, his family is set for the next hundred generations, and that is all because of him. So to say that his wife deserves half his assets is ludicrous. With or without her, Tiger would have been just as big, just as successful, and just as wealthy... so why the hell does she deserve a penny outside of child care? Just because she bore his kids? Just because Tiger got married to her? If she was just his girlfriend and not his wife, why does she not get a penny as the former, but apparently deserves to get money now as the latter?

Now, I am not excusing what Tiger did. Adultery is wrong, clearly, and he wasn't ready to commit to a meaningful relationship. However, his wife's actions shows that she isn't exactly little Ms. Perfect either.

First off, her mental stability is something that needs to be questioned, because judging from the evidence of that initial car crash that got this story rolling, she was beating, or at least trying to beat, the bloody hell out of Tiger with a golf club after already scratching up his face. Now I'm no lawyer, but if a man does so much as lay one finger on a woman in a domestic argument, his ass is heading to the clanker. Yet if a woman assaults her husband with a deadly weapon, she's somehow allowed to get away with it? Why is nobody talking about this?

Another issue I have with Elin Woods is that allegedly she is accepting money to remain by Tiger's side. Does that not make her any less a whore than the women Tiger hooked up with? On top of that she hired infamous divorce attorney Sorrell Trope, a lawyer known to break even the most apparently iron-clad prenups, and wants to file for divorce in California - essentially a 50/50 divorce state - rather than in their home state of Florida. Are these acts all of a woman who is even willing to give her marriage another shot, or of a vindictive bitch who just wants her money?

Maybe it's just the misogynist in me pointing these out, but there are faults on both ends here. I'm merely presenting them to you - not just to play the devil's advocate - but because, really, nobody is talking about these things that seem so obvious. It's just that I get so frustrated when I see a man taken to the cleaners when he makes a mistake, but if the woman makes a mistake, or does something that is clearly wrong, the media doesn't bat an eye.

In summary though, don't get married. No really... it's not worth it.

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