This isn't the first time I've written about the WWE on this page, and it likely won't be the last. Starting today, I will be reviewing each-and-every Monday Night RAW from here on out. If you don't like it, my apologies.
(BTW, somebody recently came across this page using Stumble Upon, and after reading my "How to Save the WWE" post, they decided to leave the post a review of "Dave Meltzer he is not." FYI, Meltzer is the editor for the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. This guy obviously thought he left me a bad review, but I'm glad he didn't favorably compare me to Meltzer's work (which is nothing but a composition of nostalgic garbage).
Also, I'm now 100% sure that Vince McMahon is one of my four readers, as the WWE seemed to take one of the suggestions I made last week for the show last night... more on that later.
On to the review...

Anyways, the fans gave a standing ovation to Triple H, chanting his name many times over. Orton interrupts Triple H's speech, and the two get into a heated conversation that results in Orton demanding for his title re-match tonight.
The WWE Divas engaged in a 12-woman tag team match (6 vs. 6), and I spent the whole match staring at Layla. As I was staring, I did hear Mickie James's music at the end of the match, so I do think the "good girls" won the match.
After the match, JBL heads over to the announcer's table to call out John Cena. If the WWE thinks they can make that rivalry work, shame on them. Fans already had to endure that lame rivalry once before, and I don't understand why things are heating u

William Regal, winner of the King of the Ring tournament held last week, sat in a throne telling fans about how, as both general manager and King of the Ring, he was going to rule the WWE and command respect from wrestlers and fans alike. This went on for a few minutes, with half the crowd booing him and the other half yelling that god-awful "WHAT?" chant every time Regal paused, and then the future of the WWE, Mr. Kenned
I think Vince McMahon did actually read my "How to Save the WWE" post last week, because in that post I specifically suggested that the company make Mr. Kennedy a face. Guess what they did last night? Yep, Mr. Kennedy got in a fist fight with Regal, and the crowd (and myself) ate it up. I'm getting giddy from the possibility of a future where Kennedy becomes a Rock-esque figure in the WWE.

The main event of the match, a title rematch between Orton and HHH, was great. Each wrestler fought as if it were a pay-per-view match, and in some ways it was. However, as the match looked like it was going to conclude, William Regal, feeling disrespected by the way Mr. Kennedy interrupted him earlier, was shown backstage by where the editors and directors of the show were. He demanded of them that the show be taken off the air, explaining that the fans didn't deserve to see the end of the match after the way he was treated earlier, and the show immediately went dark. There was a moment where it looked like RAW would come back on air, but no, the show did indeed go off the air. How lame.
Overall the show was great with many new storylines emerging from Backlash. I can see that the WWE really wants to play up Regal as a heel so that it further propels his rivalry with Kennedy (which may be a good thing), but to end a show the way it did Monday night was as anti-climactic as it could get on a night full of drama.
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