Thursday, June 26, 2008

Monday Night RAW Review-6/23/08

Considering the RAW draft this past Monday was so hyped by both the WWE and yours truly, one would think that I'd have something to say about it in the day or two after it aired... right? Well, a review is coming, albeit late, but it is coming. Like I've said before, this month has been hella crazy, and it'll remain that way until July, the month I'll finally be free from the hell that is fiscal year-end closeout.

(BTW, how did my usage of the word "hella" in that last sentence sound? Did it read well? Or did I come off as a total douche? I'm having many internal debates with myself regarding whether or not I can pull that word off... I'm leaning towards not using it, but I thought I'd try it here and gauge the reaction.)

Anyways, sorry for that tangent... where were we? Oh yes, a lengthy review is coming, probably one that'll overshadow any other post I've had length-wise. After all, epic moments beget an epic post, and I'll get that done for you guys between now and the next RAW.

In the meantime, make sure you check out the new-and-improved Smackdown tomorrow evening. The show's new, fan-friendly roster makes it a lock that Smackdown will no longer be tagged as the "runner-up brand" that most fans have labeled it.

1 comment:

StB said...

If the goal was to really shake things up, they succeeded. Hopefully Punk gets the exposure he deserves. Sad to see Kenneday go back to Smackdown. guess he blew his chance.